The organizing committee of the 36th Panhellenic and 2nd International Statistics Conference encourages and welcomes proposals for special sessions and seminars from anyone interested in sharing her/his expertise and insights.

Each special session usually consists of four paper presentations. The conference’s scientific committee invites submissions that enhance the event’s rigorous scientific standards, emphasizing the incorporation of innovative ideas and methodologies, along with the practical application of statistical methods to significant issues.

Proposals will be evaluated based on their scientific integrity and alignment with the conference themes. Accepted proposals entail the submitter assuming responsibility for the session, including coordinating and evaluating individual contributions, and serving as the session’s chair, ensuring a cohesive and insightful conference experience.

Each proposal must include:

– the title of the session
– a brief description of the session and
– a list of possible speakers

and should be sent through email by 15th of March 2024 at